Two important points I get from this video: A. Google's really trying to drive the point home that they work on their algorithm every day and most likely mostly in regards to spam catching (and speed) and B. Get your good content out media.
This informative article by Barry Schwartz entitled Google Makes One Change Per Day To Search Algorithm, posts a video by Matt Cutts where he is asked the question "how many changes did Google make to their primary search algorithm in 2009"?
Matt clearly states that Google tends to roll out 350 to 400 [changes] per year or "about one thing per day"...
He says the changes could be in how they segment a language, relate better synonyms or web spam improvements.
Take notice of the web spam improvement. - "significant but not always noticed outside of Google"...
He's also asked about content and whether content is still king and he answers "I think content is necessary, it's not always sufficient because people have to find out about your content. You have to find some way of marketing to people...or find some hook or some appealing way to get people to want to find out what information you have......but if you don't have good content it's a lot harder to do good search engine optimization for your site. I would start with that and once you have good content think about how to find out where the rest of the world is so you can tell them, hey this is the great content that I have".
OK so content isn't king anymore unless it has links to it which is basically what good content should give you in the end if people link to you.
Either way, over 300 algorithm changes a year and get your good content out there. I guess he's talking about social media. Agree?
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